Affidia is a Benefit Corporation (Società Benefit for the italian law), founded in April 2019. Founder and CEO is Maurizio Paleologo. A number of scientists, experts in food analysis and scientific journalists are joining Mr. Paleologo.
Affidia is a media company focused on food innovation, food safety and food diagnostics. We keep our audience updated about any risk hidden within the food supply chain, with a special focus on chemical contaminants and food allergens. We also observe the evolution of the regulatory framework, and we discuss the efficacy and reliability of food controls.
Affidia Journal
Food diagnostic and food safety are closely linked. Affidia Journal aims to provide food business owners, food safety managers, and laboratory managers with high-level scientific/technical/regulatory information.
The journal will cover all the major topics, accepting scientific and technical contributions by a variety of academic and private sources, all the time, however, we will avoid mixing scientific information with product or service promotion.

Food Test Compass
Food Test Compass (FTC) is the only web portal designed to provide standardized information about commercially available test kits, materials and equipment for screening analysis of food and feed.
The portal will step-by-step also inform about analytical services provided by the main laboratories all over the world.

POR FESR 2014-2020. Attività 1.2.a.1.- Progetto di Innovazione
Progetto 2020/21
Digital services to support food safety / Sviluppo di servizi digitali a supporto della sicurezza alimentare. Spesa Ammessa: € 106.919,20. Contributo concesso: € 64.151,52
POR FESR 2014-2020 attività 4.2.b “Erogazione di servizi e di aiuti agli investimenti a favore delle imprese dei comparti hightech e biohightech”
Progetto 2022/23
FoodTestHub: il primo marketplace per le prove di laboratorio in campo agro-alimentare. Spesa Ammessa: € 66.000,00. Contributo concesso: € 39.600,00