Affidia Journal

Affidia Journal aims to provide food business owners, food safety managers, and laboratory managers with high-level scientific/technical/regulatory information.
Affidia is not a scientific peer-reviewed journal but we want to offer to readers a deeper insight into topics in which they are interested.

The authors of our papers and articles are well-known professors, top-level managers with careers in the food industry, Test Kit Manufacturer product managers, and CEOs of a service laboratory.

We select only people with a reputation for independence and we refuse contributions in exchange for advertising.

The topics we cover are:

– Natural chemical contaminants (mycotoxins, plant toxins, phycotoxins)
– Metals
– Nitrates
– Environmental contaminants (PAHs, Dioxins, PCBs, etc.)
– Pesticides
– Veterinary drug residues
– Process contaminants (acrylamide, furan, MCPD etc.)
– Food pathogens (Salmonella, Listeria, Campylobacter, etc.)
– Food allergens

– Gluten, lactose and other food intolerance agents
– GMOs
– Food Contact Materials (FCM)
– Food fraud
– Evolution of analytical technologies
– Food analytics/diagnostic market
– Quality assurance of analytical results
– Governmental support for RD and innovation in food analytics

We want to contribute to the growing scientific collaboration between EU and non-EU countries in the area of food safety and food diagnostics. We are particularly interested in exchanging information and cooperating with public institutions and companies operating in China and other East Asian countries.